My passion and my appreciation for food and origin of

To truly appreciate something must go without it.

I grew up in a single-parent home sometimes we ate well sometimes we did not. My life and my childhood was by no means miserable or harmful, but what they do is teach me how to prepare, adapt and appreciate food.

I started cooking at 12 (an earlier age than most) for providing me and my brother a hot meal while my mother worked and attended the school. My mom will exclude the one dinner in the morning with instructions on how to prepare it. It would typically be a package of chicken in the oven and addresses "heat to 375 45", etc., etc. for any meal was left for dinner. He offered and helped prepare holiday meals also.

There were moments where I would have little to eat, this was more than likely because he was a teenager at the time and every sandwich he ate in the House in a few days. But I will always remember the times that I had to go with little or no food.

I learned how to adapt the food at times when we had little food available. I tend to find ingredients that pair well with others, as noodle ramen and the addition of a bit of Parmesan to improve the food made a miserable food into something quite pleasant. Even something as simple as Ramen could become a meal if it were sufficiently creative. Friends still tell stories of Government cheese and the recipes that had come with during difficult times. I also learned to adapt meals before the age of 8 when he had gone wrong and could not stomach the taste of spaghetti sauce. During a period of time when the paste is prepared it horse-trading to the store to pick up a small can of salsa.

I've had positive experiences, dinner on Sunday and public holidays where we met together as a family after the Church with her grandparents. I've enjoyed prepared meals of Swedish and French origin. It seemed that at anytime a meal made with the effort and attention can be sampled through the food. These were meals is passed down through generations and I have been able to live them

Holiday meals, however always seem to be similar to me:

Turkey or ham
Sweet potatoes

All holiday meals were prepared in a similar style and traditional. Desserts were my mom specialty and submit new creative desserts showed me that there are creative ways to prepare traditional food.

My attempt at a recipe of crunchy apple in which accidentally substituted a quantity of sugar salt to teach me real quickly to pay attention to specific aspects to the ingredients.

I had the children quite young and he had to learn very quickly how to budget meals but make them conscious health also. Pasta always seemed to find his way in my meals for a bit, but only one can take much of this before know is not a healthy way of life and I finally thought forms for well balanced healthy meals presentation of proteins, vegetables and grains.

However as a member of the National Guard for a weekend, a month or two weeks a year would be subjected to ERM (Government prepared and prearranged similar to food rations). This was pre Iraq and these foods had not made much progress since Viet Nam. This will allow me further appreciation of home prepared meals. My marriage lasted but my love for the preparation of meals for people who mattered did.

My love for being creative came in a perfect storm...

I went through a brief period of unemployment.

At the beginning I had access to the Internet and millions of ideas of food at my fingertips.

I started to look at and pay attention to the food network TV, and soon he had access to the best cooks and ideas. Any other enjoyed watching more shows in barbecue. Food Network always presents BBQ and the basic ingredients of learning barbecue can shed new light on how to prepare basic meat and chicken, as well as snacks. My recommendation for beginners would be obtaining a book of great barbecue and start there.I connected with the culture of the South and its reference to the memorable dishes. When you enter a good food recall they ate and we hope to feed again. This is what makes it so special to holiday memories.

Little by little, I began to be creative and be my love of preparing food to another level.

I would like to take a normal traditional food and, as Emeril would say, "kick it up to a point". Meals are mostly tested on my girlfriend of 8 years, is an Italian with a paddle in homemade Italian foods and seems difficult to impress. During holidays, dishes of carrot stuffing, potatoes and squash all have moderation and there are a thousand things you can do to alter the traditions and make your own. Even Turkey can be done differently. This is demonstrated through the increased popularity of Deep Fried Turkey, which I have yet (although I have prepared a "Turducken"). Social events such as a game of soccer, barbecue or meeting friends and family become a moment of testing my ideas in waiting with impatience of people and for the most part a dish is a compliment. Not everything goes as expected, but for me is always fun and always embraced. As I said in the care and enjoy what you're doing you can taste through the food.

Looking back on my love of preparation and evaluating data of food from my childhood...If it is a Wednesday night and I'm in the mood for a specific food can now research necessary ingredients, modifying my preference and prepare it. I have the ability to do what they want when they want and enjoy it and it is probably because prefer cooking. After doing it so long I have come to appreciate more often than go out to eat a cooked food home.

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